Support For Leonard's Open Heart Surgery (Case No. 298) Copy Link

Leonard was three months old when he was diagnosed of heart diseases(ASD, VSD, PDA). Prior to this, we were concerned about his breathing pattern and lack of gaining weight which led us to seek medical evaluation. Shockingly, the doctor said he would require a heart surgery to stay alive. It has been a very demanding journey, with daily medications, series of tests and this nagging concern that our little man's life hangs on a balance. Now, we're faced with raising $12,000 for surgery outside travel expenses and accommodation. This frankly is bigger than us, but yet, our child's life is at stake and we have to do all we can to raise the money to save his life. Thank God for His grace, it's not been easy knowing that our one and only child has three holes in the heart. But we trust God that He will provide the resources that we need through your help and make the surgery a success. We look forward to watching our son grow up into adulthood, living a healthy life, but for that to happen, we seek your support for medical expenses to take our son to India to give him a chance to live. God bless you as you stretch out your hands towards our son. He's a sweet little man; born on Christmas Day to bring joy to our lives, he sure deserves the chance to live and continue to give us joy. Please, do not hold back your financial support and with promoting our Fundraiser, so that it can achieve its goal. Do not just support with money, telling your friends, family and contacts would go a long way. GOD BLESS YOU AS YOU HELP.

9,148.49 USD
0.342% 0 Days

12 donations

Fundraising Team

- Leonard Lucky-

Lead Supporter
- Lucky Alabi -

Fund Manager
- Grace Okolo-

Become a Supporter

Supporters (5)

Case Updates (1)

Nov 06th
by Lucky Alabi
We were at LUTH this last Friday for another ECHO test and ECG. The result of the ECHO test will be out in two weeks. However, we were told that there are two large holes in Leonard's heart. One is inside the heart, while the other is outside. I was able to take a short video during the ECG; you can see that his breathing is pretty erratic. We should have further advice in 2 weeks. In the meantime, Leonard has to take a daily dose of Furosemide.